Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Photography For Dummies - 4 Survival Guide Beginner

photography for dummiesPhotography for dummies - If you are starting a photo and you have arrived on this page, do not worry, you are at right place! Here you will find a set of clear and specific resources for good start in photography: the photography for dummies!

1 - Choosing the right material
Choosing the right equipment is a crucial point when you start in photography, including digital camera: Do I really need a DSLR, then I settle for a compact, do I have to buy a zoom, wide-angle

2 - Understanding a minimum vocabulary
Beginning picture without knowing a minimum basic vocabulary is a rather perilous adventure. There are five or six words to know absolutely, that's what we intend to explain on our vocabulary base to start the picture.

3 - Learn the basics of photography
Armed with these few words of newly acquired vocabulary, you will be able to get started in learning the picture itself. Our approach is simple and original: we do not offer a lecture photography, but a tutorial consisting of only 4 tutorials. These tutorials specifically created for beginners photo, you bring all the elements necessary for a good start in the photos. Of course, they will not make you an outstanding photographer, but we guarantee you that one hour stopwatch in hand, if you follow our advice to the letter, you will be able to make beautiful pictures, your level.

4 - Go further and meet the photographers
At this point, you know everything you need to know to start in photography. You are able to make accurate photos, respecting the basic rules for rendering quite honorable, whatever your device.
But we all know that regardless of media courses, tutorial, the best way to learn quickly and well, and to excel is to feed the experience of others.
To do this, we invite you to join our forum to learn the picture. You will be in contact with photographers of different levels (from complete beginner to professional), which have a common goal: beading you photo, you explain the techniques in simple words! Tired of large solid discussions technical terms mouthful, so that all this can be explained clearly
On top of that, each month, a new Photo Challenge is hosted on a different theme: what offer your images, get feedback and possibly win prizes for photography for dummies!

Become a photographer, with or without a degree
A fact is often ignored by beginners:
Anyone can become a professional photographer, graduate or not. Talent and a huge motivation "enough."
Of course, this is always a plus to have made ​​studies to become a photographer. The CAP or any other degree is not a condition if not qua non for becoming a photographer. Of course, this only applies if you already know how to do pictures, you master the technique, you are able to prove your skills as a photographer by your experience and work. There are actually many specialties as a photographer, some demanding qualifications, others are not.

The business of photography
The term "photographer" actually includes many different realities, many trades and professions who may not have much to do with one another! Your curriculum photographer may lead you to one of these trades.
  • ·         Art photographer
  • ·         Photographer provider
  • ·         Press photographer
  • ·         Photo lab technician

Shooting full is actually few jobs. The majority of professional photographers (90%) practicing in the laboratory, in different sectors: advertising, press, scientific photography, architecture.

Art photographer
Creative and innovative, the art photographer strives to recreate the subjects he photographs (landscapes, models, dishes) original and artistic way. This is one of the sectors most prominent in the world of photography, but also one of the most complicated, because few are chosen can actually live this activity.

Photographer provider
Employed by a company (or several) or public services, the provider produces reports and other work shooting. The subjects here are imposed, and the creative aspect is slightly less present (although still very important). Depending on the terms of his contract, the provider photographer (sometimes called independent) performs a particular type of work, which may also affect the commercial field and relational.

Press photographer
The press photographer, also known photojournalist, works exclusively for news agencies and the media. It is usually a journalist by training, and has a press card (quite difficult to obtain: the press photography is sometimes akin to an obstacle course). Photographs of "people" are those that pertain today's most in this business, but many alternatives exist (e.g. from newspapers, magazine publisher, etc.).

Photo lab technician
The photo lab technician performs processing tasks (developing, printing, finishing) pictures needed to carry photographic prints. He works on automatic machines, essentially digital, which he must master the operation. That is why this job usually requires prior training (BTS CAP or type) and it is difficult to "improvise" in this area.

That's all our survival photography for dummies guide, click here if you want to know more about trick photography for dummies

7 Things to do After Buy DSLR Camera

after buy camera1. Read the manual
Ok, this may seem a bit daunting, but it is the base to know what all those mysterious buttons on your device. While you may not be going to understand everything that is said, but it is really essential to know all the functions of your camera (and there is no doubt that you do not know), and to take the best advantage of the features of your new toy. It will really help you to be more confident and responsive photographing, trust me.

2. Learn how to hold your camera
How to hold a camera seems very basic and I repeat very often, but by dint of seeing so many people hold no matter how devices of this quality, it is normal! A reflex does not stand as a phone or a compact to pictures of the evening. An SLR is heavier, and with a lens which significantly exceeds the housing. And so, it must take a way very special, shown at left. The right hand holds the housing firmly with the left hand supports the lens from below (and certainly not by holding on as we play catcher plush to the carnival. Incidentally, learn to be stable, keeping arms against the body.

Click Here to Know More About Trick Photography!

3. Learn the basics of exposure
If you want to treat yourself and make sure the images you want, you will have to bend down a little on technique. Not only, but there are some things you need to understand. And foremost the basics of exposure, namely the opening, the shutter speed and ISO sensitivity.

4. Exit any automatic
The "green" mode or automatic, is to use your SLR as a compact to take pictures of night with no real interest artistic. Although I suspect that if you put 3 times the price of a compact is still to get a little better, if only for pictures of family or some portraits of your kids so early you can simply modes elementary, but it is frankly not enough to make the most of your device. Then test the creative modes, but before that you need to control the point 3!

5. Learn the rules of composition
Know the technique is not all: we must learn the composition, that is to say, how to frame your image, how to place your subject , how to manage the background, etc. Of course, you retain your freedom and it is out of the question to go into too strict framework to compose your images. But before you break the rules, they should know. Start by taking knowledge of the rule of thirds and the golden ratio

6 built into the device. Trim the flash
A flash in itself, it is not EVIL. Except that which is built into the device is frankly bad. In reality, it is too small for the light it emits is quality, and it is more oriented face on, which gives the famous face of cheese other words, nothing good to draw, unless to disseminate or to reflect light.

7. Photograph lot
I'm not saying we should shoot at random without thinking, on the contrary, you must think each image before shooting. But you have the chance to experience many at no extra cost, so express yourself! Get plenty of tests, try different compositions, different settings: You will learn a lot!

Well, I hope that this will help you better enjoy your shiny new device, click here if you want to know more about trick photography for dummies

Click Here to Know More About SLR Camera!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

What Is Photography Definition - How To Make A Great Photo

what is photography? - photography is a process or art of earnings picture and glow on the film. It's true, most if you look for what is photography answer almost as all that is the process of using the media to paint with light. But the main thing is how steeped in the art of photography. After knowing the sense of photography in General, then what's on your mind about photography?

Photography is an activity or process produces an art image/photo light through media with a device called a camera with the intention and purpose. (wikipedia)
what is photography
According to the origin of the word, photography or Photography comes from Photos: light and Graphos: writing. Briefly Photography means "writing/painting with light". Why? The notion is easy it is all objects reflect light. The light reflected by the object can be focused through the lens of medium light catchers and burn (film) or recorded through the digital sensor. In such a fundamental function of light in photography, it is natural when a photographer has more attention to light because with good light a photograph that well produced.

what is photography? - photography is art

Photography is the process of understanding when the art of painting with light media, then everyone could do photography if you have a camera, but can everyone make an art?

"Art is something that human beings were created containing elements of beauty or the essence of creativity."

Most major art in photography is the composition, with a good composition the resulting image will have a meaning and a story that could be delivered.

Produces a nice photo in the process of Photography

When I recently bought a camera and hunting with a community photography, I asked one of the members of the most great and happen to be quite senior from the Club (+ 40 years). "Sir, how to make a great photo?", the answer from that man I still remember clearly until now. "The first thing to be aware of is a light. Notice the coming of the light ". To produce a great work or interesting there are a number of factors, the most important factor is the factor of lighting, without light or good lighting would be too difficult to produce good works, The simplest example to study the light is by dividing the light based on the direction it came from, namely to:
  • Light from above
  • light from the front
  • light from the side
  • Light from behind
  • light from the bottom
From the direction it came from, the light will affect the results of the photo. For example the light from above (like the Sun from 12 noon) will cause shadows on the face, especially under the eyes, the nose and the neck which make someone less unsightly. The light from the side will generate a three dimensional effect on the object of the photo. The light from the front will cause the light photo. The light from the back will cause the object to become dark. Light from below will cause the impression of horror on the faces of models, etc.

Click Here to Know More About Trick Photography The second factor is the photographer, this factor also important, because without the photographer's photographic process will not occur. Here the photographer will be prosecuted and in test of art or his creativity to produce a great or interesting photo.
"The photographer is a profession, a photographer living with photography."
The third factor is the camera, the camera without any photographic process does not occur. The camera is a staple tool in photography. The last factor is the backup factor like the backup lenses, light tools (camera flash lights), reflectors, tripods, and others
"No need to use an expensive camera to create a work of art photography."
After the factors above into one, a photographer which later became the major factor to create a great photo art and interesting.
"A nice Photo that is relative, and an ugly picture is absolute."
Conclusion what is photography? - Photography is an activity of art, and there are various kinds of photography. For that it needs a photographer who really understands art and the type of photography that is on him. Keep the spirit of learning photography and improve your photography skill.